Ahh – August 5 already, and the weather is gorgeous! Makes the excitement of the music all the better…
It’s been a busy summer, what with moving the new CD forward (in the mastering stages now, so soon come), gigging all over the place, traveling a ton, and starting a new (fabulous, rewarding, life-changing) job – feeling overwhelmed and blessed and grateful!!
Gigs this week alone: tonight (8/5) at Community UMC in Columbia Heights (http://www.communitymethodistchurch.org/) for National Night Out – WBC! (Dixieland jazz and rockin’ gospel); tomorrow (8/6) at Maple Grove Town Green (www.maplegrovemn.gov/parks-and-recreation/town-green) – A Salute to the Music of Bob Dylan (don’t miss this star-studded, FREE concert! Another opportunity on Saturday, so read on); Saturday (8/9) at Veterans Memorial Amphitheater in St. Louis Park (http://www.stlouispark.org/events.html) is a replay of the Dylan show; then on 8/14 I return to the Amphitheater (see the previous link) to play an open mic night. On 8/17 Imaginary Numbers (hot & spicy jazz) returns to Alexis Bailly Vineyard (http://www.abvwines.com/) for the best free afternoon you’ll ever spend in the great metro area. And later in the month I’ll be playing the State Fair! I truly hope to see you at one of these joints!
My new job at Walker Methodist Health Center is fulfilling beyond words. I’m doing Therapeutic Recreation – read: Music with Seniors and Folks in Transition. I’m there to enhance their quality of life, but what they give me in return is so much more. I can’t believe I’m doing this incredible work!
Yes, I count my blessings often, and you YOURSELF are chief among them! Thanks for being a friend/fan/follower, and know that my thoughts and positive energy are out there with you, just as I feel yours with me all the time. Please check out the calendar on “When” page so’s you can find a time to come give me a squeeze! Take good care of yourselves, walk gently on the Earth, and love everybody.