Yesterday Dad would have been 88. Today the world keeps turning. Funny how that is…
In the midst of it I am working on new songs and new gigs and website updates and life – whew! And thinking of you. The point of everything I do is for you, so I’m constantly trying to suss out new and better ways to reach you and reach out to you. The Barbara Meyer Band had a terrific show at the Oak Center General Store on the 5th – thanks to all who came out! – and Situation Bamboo has been delighting audiences this month as well. Soon Phil and I will go into the studio to record Down & Up With Love: the Truth From Harold Arlen, for which I’m about to launch a Kickstarter program (watch for news of that, and please consider making a donation). Shawn and I have been hard at work revamping the website – what do you think? And WBC plays this Saturday. Yep, there’s a ton going on – the music business is NOT for the faint of heart. Give me a holler, thanks for visiting my website, and I hope to see you at a gig soon!